Shivering Songs 2022 Rescheduled

We’ve made the difficult decision to reschedule Shivering Songs 2022, and are currently working with our artists, funders and partner venues to secure new dates. As we wait to see the full effects of Omicron on our community, we have to take a step back and see what the next few weeks will bring.

For those who have already purchased tickets and passes to Shivering Songs 2022, we appreciate your patience and ask that you once again stick with us while we work to bring new dates forward in the coming weeks. If the new dates do not work for you, you can request a refund at that time. 

While the pandemic is an immense test of our patience, these shows will still be every bit as spectacular when we are finally able to gather safely and watch them in the spaces and format in which they were intended. 

Please stay tuned in the coming weeks for the new dates! In the meantime, stay safe and be well.


Hawksley Workman & Sarah Slean at the Playhouse


Bahamas at the Playhouse Rescheduled